
Both natural and legal persons can make a donation. For payments by legal entities, the accompanying document is the Donation Agreement with the Foundation.

The donation can be made in goods or rights.

The Foundation retains 10% of the payments made for the purposes of its operation.

The minimum amount of donation is not specified.

Donor payments are made to the dinar account of the Anđela Foundation number 205-530-50 at NLB Komercijalne banka AD, Belgrade.

Payment model - NONE, i.e. it is not necessary to enter.

Reference for payments:

  1. Renovation of apartments - reference only AS
  2. Assistive technology - reference only AT
  3. Employment support - reference only PZ
  4. Podrška Naselje – poziv na broj PN

Purpose of payment - Donation

Payment code – 288 (not in use for abroad payments orders)

Za sve što vam je potrebno dodatno objašnjenje, molim vas da nas kontaktirate na meil or at the phone number +381 63 33 40 21 and +381 69 556 0315

Payment data is updated every 15 days, i.e. on the 6th and 21st of each month.

Broj uplata : 480                                             03. okt 2024.

Ukupno uplaćeno donacija :  4.149.222,10

 1. Renovation of apartments: 238,540.16 Completed: 238,540.16 For the project: 0.00

  – Assistive technology       3.671.742,40    Izvršeno   3.588.472,80   Za projekat     83.269,60

 2. Employment support:      107.050,16     Izvršeno    107.050,16    Za projekat              0,00

 3. Organization support:        22.749,68     Izvršeno      22.749,68    Za projekat              0,00

 4. Naselje:                                 109.139,70    Izvršeno                 0,00   Za projekat   109.139,70

Executed for the purposes of the Foundation - Renovation of apartmans : 320.100,00

Izvršeno za ciljeve Fondacije – asistivna tehnologija : 679.718,40; 679.718,40, 705.720,00; 729.900; 793.416,00

Executed for the purposes of the Foundation - Tricycle: 48,240.00

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